Coconut Simple Syrup



3/4 Cup Toasted Coconut

1 Cup White Sugar

2 Cups Water

1 Large Star Anise or 2 Small Ones


Place all the ingredients into a large saucepan and heat on medium-high until everything comes to a simmer. Continuously stir the mixture until all the sugar is dissolved, once the sugar is dissolved remove the saucepan from the heat and leave to cool. After the mixture has had time to infuse, between 2 hours or overnight, strain out the star anise and coconut chunks with a sieve. Decant the mixture into clean glass jars and store in the fridge. Don’t throw away the coconut chunks, they can be dried and used for garnish on cocktails and desserts, or just eaten for a sweet treat!

This simple syrup is great for a number of different things, you can drizzle it over ice cream or a sponge cake, add it to plain soda water for a little treat, mix it into a fudge popsicle mix for summer, or add it to a number of different cocktails including basically all tiki cocktails.


Carrot Juice


Sumac Lemonade